EDpuzzle Demo

Launch Live Demo

This project was completed for a graduate course in the spring of 2015. The guidelines for this assignment were to create a demonstration showing users the various features of a digital tool.

Work Process
The tool I chose to demonstrate is EDpuzzle. First, I created a concept map to outline the features that would be included in the demonstration. Next, I outlined what content would be included in each video and wrote a script for each video, followed by using Camtasia Studio to record the screen as I demonstrated each feature. I then used Camtasia to edit the video, record the audio voiceover, add closed captioning and music tracks, and publish the videos on Youtube. Finally, I used Powerpoint to create a user interface for viewing the videos and published it for the web with Adobe Presenter.

More about Natane Chomicki

I'm a Los Angeles-based eLearning developer with a passion for creating engaging, user-friendly multimedia content and learning experiences.